

Warren Buffett for $142000000to buy newspapers

Author:管理员 Time:2012-6-5 19:53:07 Read:Times

Pigment subtractive refers to yellow, magenta, cyan three original color ( such as paint, ink ) subtractive color mixing principle content method. We in the incandescent lamp with a red transparent paper, light then collected into a red, as red transparent paper for white light with a color, in fact the opposite.

We know that only when the retina three color sensitive cell at the same time by equal and strong stimulation is only white felt, white is a color composite, red transparent paper absorption of white medium of other color only through a red light, give a person with the red feeling.

If the yellow instead of red transparent paper, not only through the shot through the red light, through green, make the retina are yellow cells and sense of green cells are stimulated simultaneously, thus having yellow Warren Buffett for $142000000to buy newspapers

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